Carpets price

The prices of handmade carpets that you see on online carpet markets are announced by sellers and owners of carpets, and customers can negotiate the final price of the products by directly contacting the carpet owner.

What factors determine the price of handmade carpets? 

The price of handmade carpets depends on many factors, which we will discuss in this article. With the advancement of technology and changes in people's lifestyles, fewer people care about the type of home decor. Carpets are also one of the items that play an important role in decorating the home and have a special place and importance in giving color to home decor.

The art of carpet weaving has been highly valued in our Iranian culture for centuries, especially the weaving of handmade carpets by Iranian women and men. Today, in this article, we want to talk about handmade carpets and the factors that cause changes in the prices of various types of handmade carpets. So stay with us in the world of carpets until the end of this article. If you are interested in having handmade carpets and have visited the market to buy them, you may have noticed that some handmade carpets are cheaper and some are more expensive. Some types of handmade carpets may even be in the same price range as machine-made carpets.

Do you know what the price difference is between different types of handmade carpets? Several factors can be considered in the price difference, which are described below:

Reasons for the price difference of handmade carpets:

  1. Unevenness of the background One of the drawbacks that make one handmade carpet less priced compared to other carpets is the unevenness of the background. That is, the background of the carpet is not the same in terms of color, and the top and bottom of the background have different colors.
  2. Sparse weaving of the carpet One of the drawbacks that may occur when weaving a carpet by a weaver is the number of knots in the handmade carpet. Therefore, when buying a handmade carpet, we recommend that you carefully look at the back of the carpet and pay attention to the number of knots. If the number of knots is low or irregularly placed next to each other, this carpet has a defect and is less valuable in terms of price. For example, if you consider a thirty-raj carpet, it should have thirty knots per seven centimeters. If there are fewer than this number, it is considered a defective carpet. So don't forget that this point is very important in the price of handmade carpets.
  3. Breaking of carpet motifs Identifying this issue is very specialized, and only carpet experts and sellers can determine whether the available handmade carpet has a defect or not. For example, carpet motifs such as Shah Abbasi, pendants, and stars have standard sizes, and if these sizes are not observed during weaving, the carpet loses its value.
  4. Carpet size The larger the size of the handmade carpet, the more material is used in it, and consequently, its price will be higher. However, an exception can be considered, and that is that most carpets in Iran are woven into a specific metric system. (For example, two by three meters) Carpets that do not fit this system will have a higher price. Naturally, the size of the carpet is directly related to the price of handmade carpets.
  5. Materials used in the carpet Since the fibers used in handmade carpets are all-natural, they are naturally also of high price. Considering the high price of silk threads in Iran, it can be said that silk handmade carpets are the most expensive. After that, silk warp carpets are in second place in terms of price, and wool and silk carpets are in third place.
  6. Design and pattern The more intricate and complex the design of the handmade carpet, the higher its price. Because a carpet with a complex pattern requires precision, delicacy, and a lot of effort on the part of the carpet weaver, so the price of handmade carpets is very important in this regard.
  7. Types of colors used in handmade carpets In general, when dyeing carpet fibers, two types of colors, natural and synthetic, are used, and it can be said that handmade carpets dyed with natural colors are more expensive than those dyed with synthetic colors. However, nowadays, priority is given to the use of synthetic colors.
  8. Weaving style of the carpet The weaving style of carpet weavers affects the price of handmade carpets. We all know that Iranian handmade carpets have a very special place in the world, and the style that Iranian carpet weavers use when weaving carpets, for example, is different from the style of Indian carpet weavers, and this difference will result in a difference in price.
  9. Lifespan of the Handmade Carpet Finally, the most important factor in the price difference of handmade carpets is the lifespan of the carpet, and the older and longer-lasting the carpet, the higher its price. Handmade carpets are divided into four categories in terms of age and value:

New handmade carpets: Carpets that have been woven by weavers in the last five years.

Old handmade carpets: These carpets were woven in the period from 5 to 25 years ago.

Semi-antique handmade carpets: These carpets were woven in the period from 20 to 60 years ago.

Antique or antique handmade carpets: Antique carpets belong to the period 60 to 250 years ago.

Given the above, sellers of handmade carpets set their prices.

In the online carpet market, handmade carpets by Dafahzan are categorized into 12 price groups, as follows:

1- Carpets priced under $70.

To view handmade Carpets priced under $70, click here.

2 - carpets prices from $70 to $115. 

To view handmade carpets prices from $70 to $115, click here.

3 - carpets prices from $115 to $250. 

To view handmade carpets prices from $115 to $250, click here.

4 - carpets prices from $250 to $375.

 To view handmade carpets prices from $250 to $375, click here.

5 - Carpet prices from $375 to $500.

 To view handmade carpets prices from $375 to $500, click here.

6 - Carpet prices from $500 to $750.

 To view handmade carpets prices from $500 to $750, click here.

7 - Carpet prices from $750 to $1000.

To view handmade carpets prices from $750 to $1000, click here.

8 - Carpet prices from $1000 to $1250.

To view handmade carpets prices from $1000 to $1250, click here.

9 - Carpet prices from $1250 to $1625.

To view handmade carpets prices from $1250 to $1625, click here.

10 - Carpet prices from $1625 to $2000.

To view handmade carpets prices from $1625 to $2000, click here.

11 - Carpet prices from $2000 to $2500.

To view handmade carpets prices from $2000 to $2500, click here.

12 - Carpets priced at $2,500 and up.

To view handmade Carpets priced at $2,500 and up, click here.

View all the products offered in the Dafezan handwoven carpet market

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