In this section, you can see the products and store sites of handmade carpet sellers who are in Georgia and are also members of the Dafezan handwoven carpet market. In this section, sellers from all the cities of Georgia, such as Tbilisi, Batumi, and other cities. are present You can see the store website, products, store address, and store map on Google and the prices of these handmade carpet stores in Dafezan market in this section.

Also, you can contact the sellers through their mobile numbers and get information about the carpets and their specifications and sales conditions.

The cities from which carpet sellers have joined the Dafezan market and offered their products in this market are:

  • Tbilisi

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If you don't find a product in this section, it means that no store in these countries has joined the Defezan site yet. In this case, you can contact us through the "Contact Us" section to discover the right carpet for you. (Click here to enter the contact section.) In this area, you can leave us a message regarding the carpet you wish to purchase, and provide your email and contact number. This will enable us to locate the desired carpet for you as quickly as possible.

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