carpet stores location

In this section, you can explore all the products and handwoven carpets available in the Dafezan online carpet market, categorized by country, province, and city where the carpets are currently located. This classification allows you to see which stores and products are present in your desired city or country, providing information on the availability of carpets offered by sellers on the Dafezan website.

Additionally, you can determine whether the specific carpet you're interested in is offered by carpet sellers in your region through the Dafezan website. The current categorization includes the countries of Iran, Afghanistan, Georgia, and European countries.


We have grouped all provinces in Iran into five categories based on their geographical regions. Each category represents carpets and carpet shops offered by sellers in different provinces and cities. The categorization is as follows:

1- Northern Provinces:

Includes carpets and stores from the Golestan, Gilan, and Mazandaran provinces.
To view available carpets in the northern provinces of Iran, click here.

2- Southern Provinces:

Encompasses carpets and stores from Bushehr, Khuzestan, Fars, Kerman, Kohgiluyeh Boyer-Ahmad, and Hormozgan provinces.
To view available carpets in the Southern Provinces of Iran, click here.

3- Eastern Provinces:

Represents carpets and stores from Khorasan North, Khorasan Razavi, Khorasan South, and Sistan and Baluchestan provinces.

To view available carpets in the Eastern Provinces of Iran, click here.

4- Western Provinces: 

Includes carpets and stores from East Azerbaijan, Ardabil, West Azerbaijan, Ilam, Zanjan, Kurdistan, Kermanshah, Lorestan, and Hamedan provinces.
To view available carpets in the Western Provinces of Iran, click here.

5-Central Provinces: 

Encompasses carpets and stores from Isfahan, Alborz, Tehran, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Semnan, Qazvin, Qom, Markazi, and Yazd provinces.
To view available carpets in the Central Provinces of Iran, click here.


In this section, we have gathered carpet sellers and handwoven carpets available in the country of Georgia. Currently, you can view handwoven carpets located in Tbilisi in this categorization.
To view available carpets in Georgia, click here.


This section features carpet sellers and handwoven carpets available in the country of Afghanistan. Currently, you can explore carpets located in Kabul and other provinces in this categorization.
To view available carpets in Afghanistan, click here.

European Countries:

In this category, we have compiled carpet sellers and handwoven carpets available in European countries. Currently, you can explore carpets offered in the markets of England and France in this categorization.
To view available carpets in European countries, click here.

View all the products offered in the Dafezan handwoven carpet market

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  • 0میلیون
  • 20000میلیون

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استان های شمالی ایران (1)
استان های جنوبی ایران (150)
استان های شرقی ایران (94)
استان های غربی ایران (131)
استان های مرکزی ایران (636)

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